A Guide to Self-Esteem: How to Restore and Raise Your Self-Esteem


Self-esteem is an integral part of life. It can affect many different aspects, such as how you feel about yourself and how you behave in social settings. If your self-esteem is low, it can be hard to do things like making friends or trying new things. Here, you'll find out ways to improve self-esteem, be confident, and happier.

Find What is Causing the Downward Trend

If you've noticed a downward trend in your self-esteem, figure out what might be causing it. Either seek self esteem therapy, or ask yourself some questions relating to your recent activities. What are the most recent events? Do you feel depressed or anxious? Is there anything happening at work or school? Are your relationships struggling, and are you okay with how you look?

Probably, it might be something as minor as having to put on eyeglasses, and you don't like how you look when wearing them. A subtle change from using eyeglasses to blue colored contacts if you love the color can tremendously boost your self-esteem. 

The same happens when you've added some weight and feel anxious. Going to the gym or watching your diet will make you feel better about yourself, changing the situation. 

Concentrate on Improving Your Life

Probably the reason your self-esteem is down is that you have unfulfilled goals and desires. Maybe you planned to go back to school, grow your career or start an exercise routine. The more you delay the goals, the more guilty you'll feel, affecting your self-esteem.

It will get worse when you realize your friends and family are achieving their goals. To change the situation, start working on yourself. Take baby steps, and soon, you'll accomplish what you want.

Don't Compare Yourself with Your Peers

Comparison steals joy. Everyone is going through a unique process or journey, and some might be luckier than others. As long as you're making progress, focus on your journey even when it's long and painful. 

You might be struggling in one area, but it doesn't mean that other people have a smooth life. They, too, have their struggles even when they seem happy and content. 

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Creating a positive environment might sound complicated, but it's possible. Spend more time with positive people because they always have a great attitude and they spread joy.

You'll see an improvement in your mood when you start spending time helping other people or volunteering to make their lives better.

If anyone is constantly pointing out your mistakes or criticizing you, don't spend time with them. The same goes for your work environment. If it's too toxic, look for another job if you can't get the management to make positive changes. 

Learn to Say No

Negative people will always try to get you involved in their drama or negativity so learn how to say no. Decide what is essential in your life and prioritize. If someone demands a lot of your time and energy, politely decline the offer and don't feel bad about saying no. 

Healthy boundaries are crucial because when you get your needs met, it will be easier to take care of other people's needs.

You might not be able to work on your self-esteem in a day, but small, consistent steps will get you there.
