How To Protect Your Positive Energy


It’s so easy to get affected by the people and situations around you. A dark cloud might be looming in the distance, waiting for an opportunity to hover over your happy vibes. But, you can shield yourself from the negative energies in the environment to protect your positive demeanor.

Here are four ways to help protect your positive energy and keep negativity at bay:

Protection Through Healing Crystals

Different healing crystals can help heal and maintain positive energies. It’s not only about gazing at the awe-inspiring beauty of these gems. Instead, use the healing power of the right stones to protect yourself from negativity in the environment.

Note that different healing crystals emanate different vibrations. Hence, you must choose gems that can specifically protect your positive energy.

One excellent example is the apatite crystal. This stone can provide several benefits, including the reduction of appetite. Use apatite near your stomach to activate your solar plexus chakra. The energy released may help promote a healthy digestive system.

But, this crystal doesn’t only help in curbing appetites and improving bowel movements. Its properties may also help ward off negative energies, increasing motivation and optimism. These characteristics make apatite an excellent healing crystal for individuals following slimming routines. The stone helps keep negativity away so that you can concentrate on your weight loss program.

Aside from apatite, other healing crystals that help protect your positive energy are black tourmaline, pyrite, and lapis lazuli.

Protection Through Self-Love

You need to love yourself first before you can love others. Find and protect your positivity by loving yourself before you give love to others.

Many folks make the mistake of looking for love from other people before seeking that feeling from within. That desperation to find a seemingly lost emotion can increase the risk of relationship pitfalls. Fights and arguments may often break out between you and your partner or family if you don’t guard your heart and prioritize yourself first.

Look for love within you, and you should find yourself exuding positive vibes throughout the day. Note that you can achieve this goal through different techniques.

First, stop comparing yourself with others. Social media can be the main culprit behind the loss of self-love. It’s because social media portals tend to be rife with other people living the life you want. That intense desire over something that you don't currently have will turn to envy.

What you can do is put your smartphone down instead of spending endless hours gawking at social media profiles. Stay away from the temptation of browsing through your social media feed and just concentrate on yourself. Only open those apps if needed, such as checking on current events and news.

Aside from distancing yourself from social media, another act of self-love is to not mind other people’s opinions. Almost everyone has something to say, and some people make it a habit to ruin other people’s lives through their words. So, if someone says that you look ugly or you’re not worth it, don’t mind what they say. Instead, focus on how you truly see and feel about yourself. Your opinion of yourself matters more than those of others.

You can retain positivity in any facets of your life through self-love. This journey might be long and arduous, but the spiritual, emotional, psychological, and even the physical benefits of maintaining positivity are relatively endless.

Protection Through Finding Balance

Aside from self-love, it's also critical to achieve peace from within. Find inner peace by achieving balance, and one effective way of doing this is understanding why you might gravitate towards being negative or positive.

Finding the reason why you lean more towards negativity or positivity may help you change or retain your perspectives in life. For example, you might tend to hold on to a negative mindset if you’re a victim of childhood trauma.

Flashes of the past may enter your mind during moments when you least expect them to surface. These thoughts can be challenging to eliminate once they enter your mind. But, one of the reasons trauma can be unbearable is because every fiber of your being tends to try (and fail) to reject those negative feelings and thoughts. The result is an imbalance in your psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. So, accept what you can’t change about the past. In return, you can achieve balance and inner peace.

Finding balance within yourself helps you acquire and protect a positive outlook. Accepting that you can’t control every part of your life will help you move forward with confidence.

Protection Through Giving The Silent Treatment

Another way to protect your positive energy is to reject negativity outright. Remember, some people will try to ruin your day. These individuals can range from school bullies to officemates who want to hog all the attention. These people thrive in the negativity of others. Hence, you’re feeding egos if you react to the misdemeanors of these individuals.

Thus, it’s best to ignore negative conversations from obnoxious people from the start. Avoid conflict with someone offensive, and you may find your day turning out better than you initially expected.

Keep in mind that giving the silent treatment can let you speak in volumes. Walk away once someone tries to bully you or ruin your day. In return, you avoid conflict and brush away negativity in the process. This form of passive rejection will prove dissatisfactory to the obnoxious person, causing them to lose interest in your affairs. Continue to ignore them, and they might not bother with your daily affairs over time.

Note that giving a silent treatment can be healthy for your psychological and spiritual health. Disregarding negativity will help you produce more positive energies for your days to look and feel brighter than before.

However, don’t abuse this ‘power’ as giving the silent treatment can also cause negativity in relationships. Remember, choose your battles wisely—know that you don’t have to deal with every problem or difficult person coming your way.


Choose between using healing crystals, ignoring bullies, or finding self-love to protect your positive energy. But, you can also use all of these techniques to have your personality and mindset brimming positivity. Uphold these guidelines, and you’ll have the power to turn your darkest days into the brightest moments of your life.