4 Tips On Creating A Comfortable Space To Work From Home


2021 is now well underway, and many people are still working from home, whether that be by choice or because they’ve been unable to return to their usual workspace. Unfortunately, the pandemic is still at large and while working from home may have seemed like a temporary measure, people are beginning to realise that it may last for a lot longer than planned. If you’re working from home, you may find it harder to concentrate than normal - and that’s completely understandable! You’ve spent so long working in an office environment and a change like this can be difficult to adapt to.

However, it’s important to make changes to adapt to this ‘new normal’, not only for the sake of keeping your job, but also for your sanity. Here are some easy tips on creating a comfortable space to work from home so that for however long this lasts for, you have a great space to work in.

Optimise your desk setup

It’s easy to slump over your desk and try to get through work as quickly as possible, but it’s not going to do your posture any favours - or your work output! Take a look at how you’re sitting at your desk. Are you sitting correctly? Is your screen too high? Are you using the right keyboard? Would you benefit from an ergonomic laptop stand? Or how about some other conservatory office ideas? Do you need back support on your office chair? 

Once you’ve identified problems within your workspace, you can begin to create a home office that’s going to increase comfort and productivity. Remember that any office space, even if not a room of its own should be far away from distractions such as other members of your household and the TV. If this isn’t possible due to lack of space in your home, try using noise cancelling headphones to block out anything that could be a distraction.

Have plants nearby

Plants are renowned for being useful when it comes to concentration in the workplace. Plants purify the air, which contributes to how you’re feeling both physically and mentally. Having plants near your office space will help keep your mood high and ensure you’re breathing in fresh and clean air as you work.

Think about lighting

Lighting is incredibly important when it comes to productivity too, as it can equally affect the kind of mood you’re in. Try and position yourself somewhere with plenty of natural lighting to help boost your mood and increase productivity. If this isn’t possible, try and avoid harsh blue lighting as this can not only affect your mood, but it can cause headaches and migraines too. You can also try to add fun lighting to your space, such as with one of the many available neon collections. Make your space unique with added lighting!

Play focus music

Finally, music is a wonderful way of focusing on your work, and if you find it difficult to do so from your new home office, then playing a focus playlist on Spotify or Youtube will help you focus on the job at hand, especially if you’ve got background noise that can be distracting such as traffic or other members of your household.
