Spending Time in Nature to Clear Your Mind


“But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and vulgar things.” These beautiful words by Ralph Waldo Emerson capture the true beauty that can be found in nature and all that it has to offer, considering the good and the bad of this life.

As the summer sun sets in, it is very easy to want to spend more time outside enjoying the heat. Perhaps, you are much more interested in spending most of your time indoors next to an air conditioner or under central air.

Whatever your preference, the warmth might not be present on your mind right now. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic and all of its impacts, it can be difficult to find the best ways to spend time outdoors while following social distancing protocols.

Mental health is very important to stay on top of. Personally, I have found great ease while being outdoors during self quarantine right outside in my yard. Being in an open, natural environment allows for your mind to find peace in moments that are nothing short of chaotic. It can be easy to feel down about all that is going on right now. For the record, that is totally okay. We are all in a transitional state of living; sometimes it’s hard to accept changes to the norm and keep your head up. Even in a mask and socially distanced from others, we can certainly find spaces in the great outdoors to clear our heads and continue forward.

Spending time in nature is a beautiful experience. Whether you love being amongst the trees or along the coast, being outdoors can have a great influence on your mood and overall sense of calm.

According to Lumino Health, “Lifting your mood and lowering anxiety are two ways being outdoors may be good for mental health.” (Gilbert)

The sense of peace that can be found in natural settings, such as on a beach or on a hiking trail in the woods is hard to beat. Staying in tune with nature rather than simply listening to the noise of our society can help our minds and inner beings feel much better, natural even.

It’s no wonder why writers such as Emerson spoke so highly about nature and all of its wonders. It provides quiet calm for the loud mind. It allows for an escape like no other.

In fact, it’s no wonder either that more and more urban dwellers have been moving out of the city during the pandemic. The appeal of living surrounded by nature, away from traffic noises and pollution, has driven a renewed interest in rural locations. With remote work options, there is no need to live in a stressful urban environment anymore. Even service suppliers, such as AT&T rural internet plans and specialist electricity suppliers, have recognized the appeal of countryside living. It would make sense for those who can afford it to join the great city exodus and embrace the healing properties of a rural life that doesn’t compromise your values and needs.

It is so very important to tap into the environment and spend time living in the great outdoors, whether that be in a park or in your own backyard. Mental health is a topic that should not be pushed under the radar. In fact, it should certainly be considered a necessary piece of health and overall wellness in all places. Our minds are important to take care of. You are a valuable soul worthy of all the love and kindness possible.

Preserving these lovely areas of our environment is not only beneficial to ourselves, but it is also helpful for the places themselves. Click on this link to donate to the Nature Conservancy today.

Additionally, providing donations to the National Institute of Mental Health to increase awareness and research on mental health can be found here.

In many ways, nature is the purest form of ourselves. In the craziness of today, remember these words from Emerson: “The sun shines today also.”