Getting Engaged: Ring in The Changes!

Marriage is a tradition steeped in history, and it all starts from when you get engaged. Saying “I do” is one of the happiest times in anyone's life. After all, the man or woman of your dreams has asked you to marry them. What could be more perfect? Whether you’d been hoping for a proposal for some time or it happened to have come out of the blue: it doesn’t matter. Congratulations are in order!



So one of the next things you have to think about in is the ring. Traditionally, the man would pick a ring for his intended and present it to her with an offer of marriage. But times have changed, and that’s not always how it works these days. Many men don’t feel too confident about choosing the right ring, and would prefer to involve their partners. Plus, it can be rather hard to try and find out the right size of ring without being really obvious. That’s not going to be any good at all if you are trying to make it a surprise. Tying the knot can be tricky, so think how you’re going to do things through, or you could end up in a pickle.


Most people think that engagement rings should always have a big flashy diamond, but that's an old cliche if you think about it. Not only are diamonds expensive, some people just don’t favour them. They may prefer other gems, or would prefer to have their birthstone as part of their engagement band. Opals aren’t just for those born in October. An Opal engagement ring is a very trendy choice for 2016. They’re pretty much on point as people try and put their own stamp on their nuptials. They’re known as mystical stones, filled with meaning and happiness. That’s perfect for a modern marriage, don’t you think?


In this day and age, there’s no need to stick to stuffy old conventions if you don’t want to. Some people do like to stick the old ways because they like the history attached. Did you know the word diamond comes from the old Greek word “adamant?” That word has an exceptionally appropriate meaning - “invincible” or “steadfast.” In many countries, the engagement ring is worn on the third finger of the right hand. People in ancient times thought a vein went straight from that finger to the heart, so that’s where that comes from. In other places, it’s traditional to wear it on the other hand, but what you do is up to you.


If you’re looking to save money on your band, then why not try a little online shopping? Online jewelers don’t have all their overheads of regular shops. This end they can pass the savings on to their customers. You’ll definitely get more bang for your buck. Getting married doesn't come cheap so it does help if you can save some cash wherever you can!. No one needs to know where you bought your ring from, so shop around. Now all you’ve got to sort out is the wedding, good luck!