4 Questions to Ask Before Pursuing Politics


Politics is a divisive topic. For some, it is the only thing worth talking about. Others find politics to be too messy and prefer not to get involved in the discussion at all. Regardless of where you stand on the matter, you must ask yourself these four questions before pursuing politics:

Do You Have a Mentor?

Before pursuing a career in politics, the first question to ask yourself is, do you have an established mentor? Mentors are invaluable for developing skills and gaining experience. They can tell you what the job entails and warn you about the pitfalls encountered on your journey. Make sure when choosing a mentor they have been successful in the industry such as Jorge Hank Rhon

It's also important to consider what type of mentorship you need, whether for a specific issue or general advice on navigating your career path. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to find someone willing and able to provide both types of mentorship, so it may be necessary to have more than one mentor to meet your needs.

What Are Your Reasons for Running?

Do you have a strong desire to improve society? Have your issues been ignored by those currently in power? Do you want to be the one who gets things done? If so, running for office might be right for you. 

Do You Have What it Takes?

One of the most challenging aspects of pursuing politics is having what it takes to be in a position that requires you to make decisions for others and not just yourself. Unfortunately, most people do not have any political experience, so this can be difficult if you don't know what it entails. 

Do you have what it takes? Is this something that will be fulfilling for your life? What are the pros and cons of doing this, especially if you do not win a position in the office or succeed after many tries?

Most people can answer those questions themselves by understanding their motivations and how they would feel about the outcome.

How Long Will You Be in This Field?

How long will you be working in this field? How many years have you been politically active? It's good to know how much energy and effort one is about to put into the future. For example, if it’s about a congressional seat with an eight-year term, then a person should be committed to the work for at least that long.

The person who wants to enter politics should also know how long they can commit themselves to work. If you don't have a spouse, kids, or any other responsibilities, then it's not so difficult to devote yourself fully. 

But suppose they have children at home that need their caretaker. In that case, it might be more challenging for you to dedicate yourself to the grueling hours of campaigning and office-holding.

If you have it in your heart to pursue a career in politics, then go for it. Just make sure that the reasons are pure and do not be swayed by the power or celebrity status that comes with being an elected official. Ensure that what matters most to you is the people you serve and not your glory.