What Will YOU do to Make The 2020s Better Than the Last Decade?

Are you tired of it yet? Of everyone making the same damn promises to themselves at the start of the year? Retreading the same old ground about how this is the year that they’ll get in the best shape of their lives. How they’ll make concerted efforts to read more and be more conscious. How this is the year when they take back control of their careers and climb the next step in the corporate ladder. However, while it’s tempting to set up signposts at the start of the year that will help us to plot a chart to a happier, healthier destination, maybe we should set our sights a little higher than the usual fare of weight loss or career progression.

We are, after all, at the start of a new decade. A new era. The 2020s could be the decade when we affect real and lasting change. What will YOU do to make this decade better than the last? 

Get political

Feeling left behind by our increasingly corporate world? Worried about the growing levels of poverty and income inequality? Instead of complaining, get political. And that doesn’t just mean voting. It means raising awareness at the grassroots level and reminding people close to you of the awesome power and responsibility that democracy is to them.

Do your part for the planet

We as a society are slowly coming round to the fact that there is no planet B. Only if we’re all prepared to do our part can we know that we’re doing all we can to avert an ecological crisis unknown to previous generations. No matter what you’re doing, there’s always something more you could try. Whether you choose to repurpose and compost more and recycle less. Whether you choose to eat more plants and less of everything else or whether you try growing your own food or simply using less energy… make 2020 the year you get serious about sustainability.

Get out of your cultural comfort zone

In the streaming age, we’ve all become accustomed to a smorgasbord of entertainment delivered to our TV screens and devices. But it’s hard to be enlightened (or even surprised) when all your cultural content is tailored to your tastes. Make this the year you get out of your comfort zone. Not only should you try and watch different types of movies and TV shows, try and make more time to see live theater, stroll round museums and peruse art galleries. And if you have a local gallery that also does good for a charitable cause like the Park West Gallery in Michigan, so much the better. You may be surprised at how getting out of your comfort zone gives you a more well rounded and enlightened perspective. 

Start your own business

Frustrated by the way our economy is rigged in favor of big corporations or how wage repression and gender pay gaps still exist in the 2020s? Perhaps the biggest statement of economic defiance you can make is to start your own business and rewrite the rules on better, fairer terms. The great thing about starting up your own business in this day and age is that you can do it all online with a fraction of the overheads and you can even start it as a side hustle alongside your current job and slowly transition into full time entrepreneurship.

Let’s all band together to make the 2020s the decade where we take a bold step forward.

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