How to Have a Conscious New Year

As we approach the New Year it’s likely you will be thinking on some New Years’ resolutions. How can you improve yourself in the New Year? Fitter, stronger, healthier, more money, more travel, better relationships or new romance? 

Whatever you are thinking about changing for the New Year it’s important to remember that none of it is possible without being conscious of your actions. This is why so many New Year’s resolutions fail because we don’t truly buy into it. We’re not willing to commit or self-discipline. 

This year, use these 4 tips to be more conscious and go achieve your new you. 

1. Plan It

Just like in your job you also need to plan your own life. Otherwise, we simply walk blindly into the future not really knowing where we are going. If we don’t know where we are going, how can we be sure we will like where we end up? 

Instead, plan out your 2020 or even your next two or five years. Write down what you want to achieve, where you want to be and what your life may look like once you’re there. Now you have a vision, you can start to plan everything you need to do to get there. Maybe that includes joining a gym, starting a diploma, learning a new language, opening a savings account or starting a new hobby. 

Little steps and little achievements build into something much bigger. Take control of your future. 

2. Meditate

Often brushed aside and laughed about but now being seriously adopted and recommended by some of the top minds on our planet. Meditation is not just about searching for enlightenment, it is a tool that can help you think more clearly. It can help you think about your issues, plan for your future, heal emotional scars and rebuild relationships with loved ones. 

Meditation is not some hippy nonsense, it’s a mindfulness practice that can help you personally grow, reduce stress, clear your mind and improve your life, if you allow it to.

3. Get Active and Stay Active

The benefits of regular exercise are endless. We all know how rewarding exercise can be but many of us rarely stay consistent with it. As well as helping you get stronger, fitter and more flexible, exercise can also help build confidence, reduce stress, help with anxiety and even help with depression

Exercise, if maintained and consistent, can improve many aspects of your life. You just need to stay committed and keep going, even if it’s just 20 minutes a day. 

4. Read Read Read

Did you know that 42% of college graduates in the USA never read another book after college? Reading is absolutely essential to your personal growth. Reading books can help expand your mind, build your IQ and teach you invaluable lessons about yourself, others and life in general. 

The most brilliant and successful minds on our planet are not born intelligent and talented, they read, learn and apply themselves. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Oprah, and Warren Buffett are all known to be continuously reading books. Read about love, magic, money, self-help, business, education and peace.  

Next year, set a time of the day in which you read a book. Maybe just before bed or when you wake up or even at lunchtime during work. The world is full of books that can help you to continuously learn more about life, how to improve, how to be successful and how to be more mindful.

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