4 Skin Care Resolutions for the New Year


Alas, we’ve finally made it to the new year, and do you know what that means? It’s time to start self-reflecting. Think about the person you are now, and the person you want to be a year from now. Ask yourself questions like, ‘what areas in my life do I want to improve on?’ ‘What attainable goals can I set for myself for the new year?’ ‘How can I become a better version of me?’ Unraveling these answers will help you pave your way to success as you enter into 2021 because it allows you the chance to identify areas of improvement and establish resolutions for the new year.

Although your goals for 2021 should be personalized to you, there are a few basic resolutions you should make an effort to incorporate into the new year. Starting with your skin care resolutions.

Of course, the first thing you need to do is have a skin assessment by consulting professionals from centres such as Osmosis Skincare. In this way, you can learn about the best products and practices for your skin health. 

No matter what type of skin you have or what specific concerns you may be experiencing, these four skin care resolutions will ensure you put your best face forward in the new year:

Check the Shelf-Life of Existing Products

When’s the last time you checked the expiration date of your current skin care and beauty products? If the answer is more than a year ago, it’s time to start digging through your toiletry cabinet and throw away any existing products that have reached their shelf-life. A few tell-tale signs of expiration include changes in texture, smell, color, and effectiveness, so when in doubt, use your senses to decipher what to keep and what to throw away.

Using expired cosmetic products can worsen skin conditions or cause irritation, so make sure to look for the period after opening (PAO) symbol on the label of your products before continuing use. Or, if the specific product you’re looking for lists the expiration date as an undecipherable batching code, you can try looking up the batch code at CheckCosmetic.net

Start Using Anti-Aging Cream 

Even if you don’t have a mature skin type or any signs of premature aging, after you’ve reached age 20, you’ll want to begin using an anti-aging cream on a regular basis. According to an article written by the Scientific American, “After the age of 20, a person produces about 1 percent less collagen in the skin each year. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age.” 

Their insights help to explain why it’s important to take preventative measures early on, rather than waiting for developmental signs of aging to occur. The best way to keep your skin looking and feeling smooth and supple now and in the long run is to protect your skin, so if you haven’t already incorporated anti-aging skin care in your daily routine, now is the time to start!

So, what are the important things you need to look for when shopping for an anti-ageing cream? Choose a product that has a crafted blend of natural ingredients using advanced technology for effective results. Or choose a private label skin care solution that will work best for your skin. The common ingredients in anti-ageing creams include retinoids or Vitamin A compounds, Vitamin C, and grapeseed and tea extracts.

Coenzyme Q10 is also an ingredient in many anti-wrinkle creams that help minimise fine wrinkles and protect the skin against sun damage. On the other hand, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) like citric, lactic, and glycolic acid remove dead skin cells for exfoliation. Exfoliants prepare the skin to absorb other products better and stimulate the healthy growth of smooth, new skin.

Wear SPF Every Day 

Are you an outdoor person who enjoys adventures? Do you like swimming or sunbathing? Do you love to play outdoor sports? If your answer is yes, then you have a good reason to wear SPF every day and reapply as needed to protect your skin. You should wear SPF along with other means of protection like a wide-brimmed hat and sun-protective clothing.

No matter how pale or dark your skin may be, it’s absolutely critical that you shield it from the sun. Even on the cloudiest, dreariest of days, the ultraviolet radiation (UV) that beams from the sun manages to find a way to penetrate your skin. And while getting a little daily dose of vitamin D can be beneficial to your health, over-exposure to the sun can wreak havoc on your skin and overall well-being. 

Beyond just your average sunburn, too much sun can also lead to other serious issues such as the development of premature wrinkling, dark spots, eye damage, immune suppression, and even skin cancer. So, next time you plan on leaving the house, don’t forget to apply the SPF. For optimal protection, be sure to apply your sunscreen or other SPF skin care product as the last step of your morning routine. Then, wait at least 15 minutes before heading out so that it can fully absorb into your skin. 

Practice the Double-Cleansing Method

Removing your makeup is a must after a long day of wear. But, rather than continuing to use harshly-formulated facial wipes to remove makeup and impurities from your skin, use 2021 as an opportunity to invest in a micellar water or cleansing oil/balm and practice the double-cleansing method

More often than not, makeup wipes contain alcohol and other drying chemicals that work to strip your skin of it’s natural oils, which can lead to other negative reactions such as redness, irritation, and/or inflammation. Using micellar water or a cleansing oil/balm, on the other hand, takes a less invasive approach as it’s calming ingredients serve to break down makeup while simultaneously cleaning the skin. This, followed by a gel or foaming-base skin care cleanser, will be a sure-fire way to properly cleanse and protect your skin. 

Having beautiful, healthy skin doesn’t happen overnight, which is why it’s necessary to take actionable steps to ensure you’re giving your skin everything it needs to radiate the way it’s always meant to. As you head into 2021, don’t forget to refer back to these skin care resolutions for the new year. Don’t worry, you can thank us later!

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