Should Prenatal Pills Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy requires a lot of considerations, and one of these is proper nutrition. It is very important for both the mother and the developing child. However, you will not get all the right nutrients in sufficient amounts throughout the entire course of pregnancy. So, it’s essential for you to take prenatal pills that will provide you with a daily dose of vitamins and minerals for you and your baby.

Benefits of prenatal pills:

1.    Provide optimum levels of nutrition

Prenatal pills are like a safety net to make sure that your body is nourished with the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs during pregnancy. A lot of pregnant moms have a busy lifestyle, and not all have the time and devotion to prepare meals that are highly-packed with nutrients, that’s why prenatal pills are made to supplement vitamins and minerals that are not are not provided through food intake.

However, it’s always best to take prenatal pills with food. It should not be used as a meal replacement since it will not compensate for the required daily amount of nutrients needed by the mother and the developing fetus.

Prenatal pills to ensure proper nutrition for the mother include:

  • Vitamin C for a stronger immune system

  • Iron for adequate functioning of the circulatory system and to ensure that oxygen and nutrients are well-supplied in the body of the mother and the fetus

  • Calcium to replenish calcium deposits in the bones to promote proper structure and posture that will support the additional weight of the growing tummy

  • Thiamine and Pyridoxine to assist in proper brain development.

  • Niacin for better metabolism and nutrient absorption

  • Pantothenic acid for proper regulation of the hormones during pregnancy

  • Collagen aids in proper bone health and can also help in minimizing stretch marks associated with pregnancy

2.    Ensure proper development of the baby

Prenatal vitamins with key ingredients such as folic acid and DHA are highly-recommended for pregnant women to prevent health complications for the fetus. These are not just limited to ensure proper nutrition for the mother, it is also for the proper development of the child inside the tummy.

Folic acid is an essential nutrient that should be taken even a few months before trying to conceive until the last trimester. The main reason that every pregnant woman should have enough levels of this essential nutrient supplied in their body is to prevent a congenital defect called spina bifida, wherein there is an incomplete closing of the spinal cord.

Folic acid is responsible for the embryonic development and stem cell specialization that will, later on, form the central nervous system of the baby.On the other hand, DHA is essential for proper development of your baby’s eyesight, as well as their cognitive function. These essential fatty acids promote better motor skills and IQ.

Precautionary measures when taking prenatal pills:

1.    Consult your doctor first

When you get pregnant, your body changes in a lot of ways to accommodate the complex processes involving the growth of the baby inside you. This can also possibly mean that there is a shift of vitamins and minerals you need to take, and your pre-existing supplements might not be enough to nourish you and your baby. That’s why it’s always best to consult your doctor about the best prenatal pills they can prescribe you for your needs.

2.    Follow the dosage

The next important consideration you need to think of is about the proper dosage of the prenatal pills you’ll be taking. Most prenatal pills have recommended usage printed together in their labels, but it doesn’t mean it’s the standard dosage and you have to follow it.

Make sure your doctor prescribes you with the dosage that is right depending on your body type and nutritional needs. There is such thing as supplement overdose, and sometimes it can produce complications for both the mother and child.

3. Watch out for allergic reactions and contraindications

When taking prenatal vitamins, you have to consider if you have potential allergies in some of the pill’s ingredients. If you’re allergic to gluten, make sure that you’ll be choosing prenatal pills that are gluten-free.

Also, if you’re under medication, you have to consult your doctor if it’s okay to continue your prenatal pills or you have to stop taking it temporarily during the entire course of medication.

Final thoughts:

Prenatal pills serve as a safety net to ensure that the mother will not encounter nutrient deficiency which can result to congenital disabilities to the unborn child. Although prenatal pills have a lot of benefits, precautionary measures should be followed to avoid complications from happening. Also, taking prenatal pills are best practiced with proper nutrition to maximize the benefits of these supplements.
