The Benefits Of Milk Made From Nuts


There is a lot to be said about the benefits of cow's milk. It is rich in phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin B2. Adequate calcium intake guarantees a healthy bone system, improves the muscular system, strengthens teeth. Yogurt containing live lactic acid bacteria, as well as other yogurt products have a beneficial effect on health and belong to the so-called probiotics.

What Is The Harm to Health from Cow's Milk?

Recently, health experts are talking more and more about the harms of milk products, especially for adults - the consumption of high-fat milk products is not recommended due to the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Milk is rich in fats, which can raise cholesterol and lower iron levels in the blood.

What Is The Alternative?

Keep calm, there is a solution and it is vegetable milk made from nuts that do not contain lactose and cholesterol and is low in calories. Suitable for diets. The products from which it can be prepared are almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, hemp, rice, soy, coconut, and others.

Almond milk is an excellent antioxidant and improves the body's immune defenses. Oat milk is rich in fiber, vitamins A, E, B, and folic acid, low in fat and pleasant taste. Coconut milk improves digestion and is rich in selenium and zinc. Soy milk contains proteins and vitamins b12 and E.

How to Prepare Milk From Nuts?

Don't panic, you only need a blender and nuts or seeds of your choice. The procedure is the same - soak the nuts (walnuts are not needed) or the seeds for about 8 hours, rinse after the time expires, put in a blender, add water and press The amount of water is different, according to your taste - whether you want it to be thinner or milk with a more saturated taste. Once you get a homogeneous mixture, strain, and with the rest prepare a healthy dessert. Store the prepared milk in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

Here, you already know how to prepare milk at home. You get the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body and most of all you do not harm your health.