My Love-Hate Relationship with TikTok


I’m not going to lie. I’m on TikTok probably everyday. I downloaded the app in May out of boredom and was instantly hooked. Now, i go through phases of watching TikToks everyday and leaving the app untouched. Even though I don’t post anything, I could probably scroll on the app for hours if I had nothing to do. But what makes TikTok my current social media of choice and simultaneously, one of my worst addictions?

To start, with every scroll I discover something new. A new creator, new song, new piece of art, new style of photography, etc. It really depends what side of TikTok I’m on (currently on art/fashion tiktok) which only adds to the intrigue of the app. Everytime I open it, I know the videos will fit really closely with my interests but also something I’ve never seen before. Since I don’t follow many people I know in real life, I also feel like I’m getting more out of it than Instagram, which I used to use incessantly. TikTok is like a combination of Instagram and YouTube in that way. It has the endless feed like Instagram yet the community feeling of YouTube. And that’s why I love it. Over quarantine especially, it was comforting to watch other people still living their lives at home and having hope for the future.

Yet, I’l be the first to admit that scrolling on TikTok has led to many sleepless nights and wasted time. When I’m stressed or want to put off an assignment, TikTok is there to save the day. I know what you’re thinking but it’s not that I have no self-control. It’s just that being home all day, even the small things like an app that gives you constant stimulation and interaction is a god-send and I want as much of that as I can get.

Aside from my admitted over-usage. I think TikTok also sends a very specific, and potentially dangerous, message to users. Particularly for younger users, I feel like TikTok makes people believe virality is the purpose of their existence. Using a TikTok Growth Service like Enforce Social gives these creators the tools they need to extend their audience and end up on people’s FYP. And though anyone can become famous on TikTok, there’s definitely a beauty standard: white, straight, and skinny. I do see that changing as I grow up, but in terms of super-stardom, there’s a long way to go for talented BIPOC creators to be recognized in the same way white creators are.

Overall, I do feel connected to others and have learned a lot that I wouldn’t have known about before whenever I open the app. I’m not going to ignore the positive effects of social media, but I could definitely limit my usage. Also, I feel like TikTok isn’t as superficial as other social media apps because there’s such a huge range of content that you’ll end up seeing in one day, both happy and sad. And for that, I’ll keep using the app.