Empower Yourself in 2019

If you want something new, you have to stop something old. The sailor said, “I can’t change the direction of the winds, but I can adjust my sails to move towards my destination.” Likewise, none of us would survive being the same clockwork monster. Be it compromising on dreams to exercise for the figure you’ve dreamt of or be it working more shifts to become a millionaire in one day, each day of the last year made us a better machine rather than a better human.

But why, why did we do so? Just because we want to “impress” others and flaunt and attract negative vibrations from their jealousy! I say stop this; stop this for your own sake. Do what makes you happy. Pledge this year to be you and not what others want you to be. Don’t hide your freckles, be loud, be bold, be strong and moreover, be you. You are the only you in this global crowd of 7.7 billion people.

Get that tattoo now, get that highlight now, write that book now. Life is reckless if lived within those limits which you create yourself.

Learn to say no. Follow the pace you want to. Evolve into an invincible person and don’t worry about what others say. You alone get buried in a coffin; no one accompanies you.Make sure you’ve lived life with peace before you rest in peace.

Change is inevitable; let it flow through you. Become all what you want to. This year, resolve to find whom you actually are. STOP doing what you have been doing, START searching prospects to develop, AWAKEN the desire to bloom, and RISE to a new height!

AdviceBhawya BansalComment