The 3 Best Cultural Movements Of This Decade

From 2010 all the way to 2020, it has been an incredible time for cultural movements. The early 2000s were quite mundane. There wasn't much change in the way of fashion, music or cuisine. However, for the younger generation, it's been quite a decade regarding politics, gender equality, and personal identity to name just a few things. How will you view the past decade? For many, it will be a segment of their life when they changed from being a child or teenager into an independent adult. For others, it will be about when they realized they were not the person they were brought up to be. It's a time for looking back and as Christmas approaches and the New Year dawns ever-closer, it's the perfect moment to look back on the most important cultural movement of the last 10 years.

The discussion of equality

Finally, a new chapter of gender equality has been opened and raw, open, honest public discourse has occurred. For many people, they have wanted the discussion of equality in the workplace, show business, and education to be had openly. Now since this topic is out in the open, millions of people can analyze both sides of the argument and make up their own minds. Nothing is being hidden anymore, with many figures like Camille Paglia and Jordan Peterson engaging in rigorous debate. Both are from different sides of the argument and with different backgrounds, but their honest and civilized debate has garnered millions of views online. It's quite a remarkable turn of events as in the previous decade no one wanted to delve deeper into our societal fractures.

Changes in law

The most notable change in the law has occurred in several states in America but also in the nation of Canada. The green herb substance has been legalized and now, a great new industry has emerged. It's easy to see that this new industry will garner millions in revenue but as to what kind of cultural impact it will have in the future, it is still unknown. The bottom line is, if you live in states like Colorado or in any province of Canada, you can buy things like a bong, pipes, different unique strands as well as edibles at various places like the dispensary dillon. It's by far the most important change in the law in the past 10 years. Quite frankly, nobody would have thought this was possible in the early 2000s. Now we have more education on the subject and the general knowledge of the green herb has increased ten-fold.

Greater online discourse

The importance of websites like YouTube and Twitter has been brought to the fore like never before. Both platforms give everyone, of every political persuasion, the right to speak their minds. Making content has become one of the hallmarks of the younger generation. However, a new discussion around platform neutrality has emerged which we will see growing larger in the coming decade. Thankfully, more and more people are becoming aware of how crucial free speech really is.

What is your best cultural movement of this decade? There are many more but the change in the law regarding the green herb has perhaps been the most significant.
