The Autumn: The End, After Which the New Beginnings Start

 Autumn is a little sad.

I don't know why, but autumn always seems a little sad. The sunny summer is slowly disappearing and with it the long days, the pleasant sea emotions and the holidays. Nature is preparing for her winter break, for her long sleep, after which a new awakening comes. But still, with each end and fall, it is a little sad, because the end of another year, which has gone through successes and difficulties, is approaching. Another year of my life passed so quickly.

Autumn is so beautiful.

 Autumn starts with rain and cool breeze, but it's so beautiful. No great artist can create so many shades of yellow, brown, green and red on his paintings. A colorful extravaganza covers streets, parks, and gardens as a light veil. I can't enjoy the richness of the color tones, the fallen leaves that are so beautiful just before they blend into the ground.

Autumn comes with the most delicious fruits.

The trees are full of ripe pears, apples, and plums that have been collecting sunlight all summer long. A blend of vitamins that is so delicious and energizing. Fruits are a gift to people before nature leaves for a well-deserved rest.

Autumn is a time for reckoning.

As night changes the day, autumn is the opposite season of spring, when Mother Nature's life begins from the beginning. Before each finale, we look back and remember the path we have traveled - all the hardships, failures and accomplishments and joyful moments. We look forward to the new challenges. It is no coincidence that the meaning of the symbol of death in Tarot cards means change. Because there is no death, there is only change. Life is eternal, never-ending, and there is no end after which something new comes.

Autumn is the season for your favorite activities at home.

 Cover yourself with a soft blanket, read a favorite book, and talk to your family for a long time - you didn't have that opportunity during the crazy summer, did you? Autumn is the season when you slow down the pace of life and pay attention to the really important things - the season of wisdom.

Autumn reminds us that everything has its end.

As much as we don't want it, life just ends at one point and the falling leaves remind us of this end every fall. May it does not sound like black humor, but may everyone have such a beautiful end to his life as nature in the fall.

Autumn is an inspiration to all creators.

Writers, poets, artists or musicians are all inspired by the contradictory beauty of autumn. Why is it contradictory? Because she's sad.

And what is autumn for me? I was born in October - the month when wise men and fools are born ... ... This is how Aesop answered when they asked him when he was born.