Meter Monday: "Vulnerability"

by Marilyn Moy


All the well-to-do adults in my city

wear a mask 

to the 

masquerade party

of public life.

It is the 


after all.

Common sense.

who wants to show their battle scars from 

fights against Loss?

the blood oozing from 

hits with Hardship?

the disfigurations of the heart and soul 

from Heartbreak?


but as my body acquires time, 

as the veins grow clogged from fat globules

my mind has accumulated a black hole 


This needs to stop.


Vulnerability attracts vulnerability,

my friend says.


the opening of another's heart 

like a flower blossoming

opens my own



hurts to even start 


my scars feces stench 


day by day

conversation by conversation

moment by moment

pus seeping out

healing and reconciliation 

a life-long journey