Meet Erin Schrode: The 25-year-old Running for Congress

by Michelle Chan


Yes, you heard that right. At only 25 years old, Erin Schrode is running to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Despite her young age, the New York University graduate has accomplished many feats, from cofounding Turning Green, a “national nonprofit organization devoted to education and advocacy around environmentally sustainable and socially responsible choices for individuals, schools and communities,” speaking at the White House Summit on Environmental Education, providing in-person humanitarian aid for refugees in Greece, and even walking the runway of New York Fashion Week in eco-advocacy. With her resume piled high with achievements, it’s no wonder she is running for Congress. 

In her campaign for a seat in the US. Capitol, she strives to promote eco-awareness, reinvent the framework of our education system, grant equal opportunity, and empower young girls and women alike. She hopes to engage millennials in politics and address issues at hand rather than its symptoms. As a eco-friendly and human rights activist, she makes a profound statement in representing the future of America: the millennials. 

“My generation is better connected, well-informed, and more open to debate than ever before — all of which leads to stronger, practical solutions...I seek to redefine civic engagement, reinvigorate a culture of public service, expand the definition of who can be a politician, and infuse meaning into the very act of running.” 

A native Northern Californian, Schrode delves into what inspired her to run for Congress. She grew up in the suburban town of Marin County, with its gorgeous scenery and natural environment. Yet, she discovered that within a few years, cancer rates had gone off the charts. "In 2002, a study came out that revealed that Marin County has the highest breast, prostate, and melanoma rate in the world, and no one knew why," Schrode remembers. With this motivation to combat not only the high cancer rates but social and environmental change as well, Schrode sought this new wave of advocacy. While she never intended to be an engaged leader in politics, she was ultimately persuaded by the need for reform and making change for the greater good.

You can check out her campaign here: