A Love Letter to Shadow Hunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widow of Their Enemies Since 1234


When I was young, I had a deep love for books and reading. When I would go shopping with my mother, I would always get a book because they excited me. Eventually, I stopped reading because I was belittled for the difficulty I had with reading and writing. That all changed one faithful Christmas when I received three books. One of those books was Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. This book, and the other series set in this fantastical world, helped me find myself and has been there for me throughout my life.

I was twelve when I received Clockwork Angel and it shifted my perspective on the world. This book unlocked the deep love I have for reading and writing that I stored away when I was in elementary school because my abilities were constantly poked and prodded. This book allowed me to feel strong while I was reading because I got to read a story line focused on a strong female lead character, who also had a love for books and reminded me of myself. The lead character, Tessa, also has superpowers so while reading the book I was waiting for someone to help me unlock my superpowers.

As I aged the dynamic of my family home shifted. As a child I watched my parents fight until they got divorced. Clare’s books were tales of true love making me believe that two people could get through anything if they loved each other. That was the message I needed to cope with what was going on in my personal life. Clare’s books gave me this when it was the last thing I expected to need and receive.

I continued to read Clare’s books as she published them. After reading eight of her books I discovered my superpower. I realized that I could be an author, and my books could help someone. To this day writing makes me happy and is my superpower.

Clare published a book in 2018 that was heavily influenced by politics. Amidst the fictional war I learned the lengths people go to for what they believe, even if those beliefs are not right or just. My ability to vote coincided with the release of this book, which was what I need to learn political landscapes, even if they were fictional. This book allowed me to prepare for larger conversations concerning politics and formulate my personal beliefs.

In 2020, I am twenty-one years old and have been reading Clare’s books for over nine years, and the books are still helping me process events in my life. Multiple characters develop a sudden illness that spreads quickly, reminding me of the active COVID-19 crisis. The characters in the book were healed once they began to work together to find a cure, which gives me a semblance of hope that a cure will be found for COVID-19 easing personal anxieties.

Books have changed my outlook on life and I will be grateful for literature for the rest of my days.