On a Quest to Find Meaning in Life: Book Recommendations for Life Reflections


I have a mixed relationship with birthdays. When I was younger, I had eagerly looked forward to blowing the candles on my cake, excited to reach a new milestone. But as I grew older, I realized that these events marked the passing of time, signalling that my childhood was slowly leaving me. 

Exploring the concept of aging in different ways, these following three books helped me find meaning in my finite life. Consequently, during a time where time itself seems to be on pause, I recommend these following books for those living in lockdown who are facing an existential crisis. Even though the protagonists are all young adults, their narratives can deeply connect with everyone regardless of age.

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Following a fatal car crash, nearly sixteen-year-old Liz finds herself aboard a ship headed off to an unknown destination. When she finally sets foot on land, she learns that she has now arrived at a place called Elsewhere. Considered as the afterlife, everyone who has passed on now lives on this land, a land where people age in reverse, growing younger each day until they are sent back to Earth as a baby. As the book progresses, Liz gradually learns to accept her untimely situation and overcomes obstacles that keep her from experiencing true happiness in this new life. 

When I read this story, I found that inside the unfamiliar premise, her struggle to let go of her past life resonated with me, her reluctance not unlike mine; during major milestones in my life such as my recent move to America, I noticed that similar to her, I often dwelled on moments from my past and struggled to focus on my immediate future. Written in a honest and straightforward manner, this somehow relatable and poignant tale is tinged with fleeting moments of happiness and eventually fades into a cloudy haze, allowing the readers to take comfort in the finality of the conclusion.

Every Day by David Levithan

Constantly changing bodies their entire life, A experiences the world through a different lens every day, living in a life that is not theirs for a brief moment and moving on once the clock strikes midnight. Lacking an identity of their own, A adopts the mannerisms of those they possess in order to prevent them from drastically altering the lives of the people they come across. However, this all changes when they come across a girl called Rhiannon, the girlfriend of someone they are posing as for one day. Fascinated with her view on the world, for the first time in their life, they try to show their identity to someone else, attempting to illustrate their true self hidden beneath the surface of their bodies. 

Personally, as I am someone who is still discovering who they are, the internal dialogue of the narrator was a welcome perspective because it helped affirm to me that one does not have to know their goals or even their own identity in order to appreciate their interactions with the world. Taking the expression of putting oneself in someone else’s shoes to a whole new level, this book helps readers empathize with the diverse conflicts of each person A lives in, while allowing them to glimpse the challenges of existing without an ability to hold on. 

The Giver by Lois Lowry

Set in a society where an emphasis on Sameness is prioritized, the residents of this area seem to live in a utopia where there is no sadness nor conflict. Known by many as a courteous and intelligent young boy, the protagonist Jonas is selected to become the next Receiver of Memory, a position that is highly respected in his community as those chosen have to bear the burden of knowing the true past of the community. Once he begins his training, he learns that the world he grew up in was not as perfect as it had seemed; his mentor tells him that for the sake of a structured society, their ancestors traded in emotions and culture, resulting in an orderly yet bland world. 

Even though I was introduced to this work many years ago, every re-read still brings about further ruminations on the themes highlighted in this novel, ideas that can be regarded as quite relevant when examining the debates happening in the highest courts today. Considered a classic read for many students across the world, this well-known piece helps readers question the notion of a perfect existence and enables readers to appreciate the variety in our everyday lives.

Ranging from timeless fantasy tales to thrilling mysteries that ended with a cliffhanger, books from all genres have supported me and helped me grow as an individual. This phenomenon is especially true for the three described above; the protagonists of these stories hold a special place in my heart as they uplifted me during tough times. As a result, I really wanted to share these gems because I truly believe that they can help move people forward on their journey to self-actualization. Thus, when you have some time to spare, please consider picking up one of these books for a brief but thought-provoking read.