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Keeping Yourself Safe Online

Surfing the internet in any capacity is something most of us find ourselves doing virtually every day. With more and more services, business, shops and entertainment sites available online that never before, there aren't many reasons for us not to be online. But how do you know you are protected when you are using the internet and what are the best ways for you to make sure you and your personal information including sensitive details are safe and protected.

It can be worrying to think that at any given time someone can be out to steal your information, but the truth is, you never know who will be able to the information you are sending and receiving. No one wants to be the victim of fraud so it is imperative you take precautions to make sure your private information is safe from people who are looking for ways to steal your details and use them without your knowledge or permission.

Use a VPN

Most public networks and WiFi aren't protected and as such, any information you send can be intercepted and used by hackers. Use a VPN available by subscription to help keep your information safe. Troypoint can help you set this up. You can also learn the differences between the different platforms available, such as wireguard vs openvpn, so you know which service is best for you and your browsing needs. If in doubt try not to use sites where personal information be stolen such as social networks and banking sites.

Up Your Password Game

The best way to keep yourself protected online is to make sure you are using strong passwords. You need to use different ones as much as possible. This will mean that if one of your passwords is compromised any other sites containing your information will be safe. Change them regularly to up the protection too. Stay away from using family names and dates of birth and repetitive patterns too.

If you have trouble remembering passwords use a password manager or develop a system to remember what you have used. A mix of capital letters, lowercase, numbers and symbols from a phrase you use often or a memorable place is a good idea as is using three short random words to create a strong password strengthened by adding numbers and symbols too.

Never Click Anything You Are Unsure Of!

If you have the slightest doubt don't click it. Or in the case of an unconvincing email, don't even open it. Look for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and abnormally long email addresses. If you think it may be a genuine email log into your account your usual way and not via any links contained in the email.

Most companies use your name to address you so check for phrases like "dear customer" and the like and refer to previous genuine communications to compare how they addressed you. Emails are becoming more sophisticated and designed to catch even the most careful people out. So make it a rule to never click anything in an email unless you are 100% sure it is legitimate.