Doing Amsterdam: The Cool Chick Edition

Whenever we hear Amsterdam crop up in conversation, it is usually being ruined by lad-chat, the kind of exaggerated blabber that sees it get termed The Dam on a bi-minutely basis, every other sentence hinting toward the soft glow of red that sits above a certain district. But what about Amsterdam for women.

Well, to put it to you as bluntly as possible, this is the city of some of the coolest chicks on the scene. Doutzen Kroes. Famke Janssen. Lara Stone. Yolanda Hadid. These women ooze cool in a way that we could only dream of and it is because they grew up on the cobbled streets of the coolest city in Europe. So, to help you squeeze the most out of your pilgrimage to everything cool, we have curated a list of things every chick needs to do while in Amsterdam.


1. Cycle Everywhere

The moment you step off your cheap flight to Amsterdam, the first thing you need to do is hire a bicycle and explore the city by pedal power. The great thing is, it is the most cycle friendly city on the globe. As for beauty, there is nowhere more special to ride your bike, listening to Haim in your earphones as petals fall from the trees and line the streets. It’s magic.


2. Canal Trips

Despite everything that is churned out in this Fake News dominated world, Amsterdam actually has more canals than Venice. Oh yeah, you need to see this city before you die; it is seriously pretty. That’s why you need to hop on a vessel of some sort and explore the sixteenth-century canals for yourself. Just be prepared to leave a trail made up of little pieces of your heart along the way.


3. The Rijksmuseum

To head to Amsterdam and not devote an entire afternoon to this magical spot would be a crime against all things culture and cool. There are masterpieces here like nowhere else, pieces created by some of the greats like Vermeer and Van Rijn. But it isn’t just about what you can see it is also about overindulging on the local foods that offered at the restaurant here too.


4. Vondelpark

On a sunny summer’s day, where your head feels a little bit airy and your soul a little bit tired, there is no better place to kick back and explore than the Vondelpark. It is just breathtaking. Cycle there and then keep cycling until you find the perfect picnic spot. Trust us, it won’t be like any other park you’ve ever kicked back in. It is a park filled with trees and bridges and canals and even the odd cafe, all of which adds to the experience.


5. Foodhallen

The toughest decision all of us face on a day to day basis is what to eat. Choice cripples us in this respect. That is why we beg you to head to the Foodhallen, which has absolutely everything your taste buds could ever dream of from all corners of our culinary planet. Just stroll around this place and stop whenever your belly feels a twinge.