How the Moon Can Change Your Life

Did you know that the moon can change your life and the way you feel depending on what phase it’s in? This can explain why sometimes you have funny moods throughout the month. You might also find that you are not getting enough sleep, or you want to sleep more. You might not believe in this right away, but hear me out! Learn more about the moon by reading on...



You can Become More Thoughtful


Depending on the phase the moon is in, you can feel more thoughtful than usual. In fact, many people say that certain phases of the moon are perfect for implementing new habits into your life and making big changes. If you ever find yourself becoming more introspective and reflecting on yourself, it could all be down the moon and the phase it’s in. Many say you should make the most of these times and think of things you want to change in your life. Only you have the power to do it, and the moon can make you even more powerful.


Affect Sleep Patterns


We can all feel like our sleeping patterns are a little out of whack from time to time. It can be down to many things, from big life changes to stress. However, there isn’t always a clear reason for not being able to get the best quality of sleep you’re used to. If you can’t see why, then it could be down to the moon. The moon could be disturbing your sleep either through the brighter light it is omitting or the way it’s affecting our brains. It’s true that the moon really does have power like this over us. Nobody usually pays attention to it as we’re so out of sync with nature these days. The world is all about the internet and electronic devices, so we tend not to pay attention to what’s going on outside. You can learn more about phases of the moon with sites like  




Change the Mood You’re In


Ever find that some days you’re in a great mood for absolutely no reason, and other days you’re in a rubbish mood and you just can’t work out why? This can be down to many things. For women it can have a lot to do with her hormones and what cycle she’s in. You know, ‘that time of the month’. However, sometimes it can simply be down the phase of the moon. It might seem like hippy mumbo jumbo to you, but if you pay attention you might just notice your moods start to sync up with the phase the moon is in.

Well, what do you think of the moon affecting lives in this way? There could very well be a good reason for every mood you’re in, and the amount of sleep you get. Although you are largely in control of your life, you might be able to let yourself off the hook for a few things now you know this information!
