Things All Couples Should Discuss Before Tying The Knot


Being married to someone who has drastically different views to you can be extremely different. You may realise not long into married life that you have different ideas on children, where you should live and your finances. This can cause problems, arguments and may even end in divorce if these issues cannot be resolved. So before you even think about walking down the aisles here are some vital topics that you and your partner need to address.





Bringing another life into your family is a decision that should not be taken lightly. This is a subject that needs to be discussed at length before you move forward with wedding plans. It can be a make or break situation with many couples and can be quite a sensitive subject to discuss. But you need to determine if you see children in your future together or not. You may both feel strongly one way or another but also be prepared if your partner thinks differently to how you feel. Talk through your options and viewpoints to determine why you both feel the way that you do.  Also talk about childcare, where you want to bring up your child and how many children you would like.





This can be another touchy subject so needs to be handled carefully. If you are both from the same religion, you may want to discuss how much you want religion to influence your lives. If you practice different faiths so you may want to talk about changing religion or ways, you can cater for both. Your families may not agree with your marriage so you need to prepare yourself for any backlash or confrontation you may receive. If you want to have children in the future, you need to determine how you want to teach them about religion and which religion you want them to practise. If one of you practises Atheism, you may not want your child to be introduced into a religion which again is something you need to talk about.





After your marriage your finances will be merged in one way or another. So you need to be open about any debts you have or issues you have face in the future. This will get you prepared and help you plan for these issues well in advance. You need to decide how you want to divide your household bills and other expenses each month. Also determine financial goals you want to reach such as renovating the house or saving up for a holiday. Try to back up your discussion with your bank statement and receipts so you can start budgeting for your future now.

So start your marriage off in the best way possible and develop an even stronger bond with your partner. You may need to compromise on a few things but always remain true to yourself and prioritise your happiness. Having this discussion could make you realise that you are with the right or wrong person for you. It’s always better to find this out before you walking down the aisle and not after.