4 Aspects Of Our Health That We Don't Talk About Enough

Staying healthy can be a real challenge. Especially in these difficult times. In a climate of fear, uncertainty, mourning, loss and financial distress, we’re all a little preoccupied. It can be hard to get from morning to midnight some days, much less navigate the day while taking care of ourselves. And while gyms are reopening and it’s easier to get access to good food, as we’ve discussed previously, there’s more to good health than a rigorous workout. Even a good diet, while undoubtedly important, is only the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, we all need to eat more plants, cut down on the processed gunk, incorporate more supplements for digestive health like Bio X4, and get our butts off the sofa. But until we take a more holistic approach to our health, we can’t consider ourselves truly healthy. Many a seemingly healthy person has found their bodies and / or minds wanting in some crucial way because they’re neglecting one of the following...

Our mental health

Despite widespread government campaigns, awareness groups on social media and all kinds of workplace initiatives, there’s still an embarrassingly persistent taboo surrounding the issue of mental health. It’s a sad state of affairs that almost everywhere in the world, mental health is considered a taboo subject. And that can prevent people from getting the support they need. Whether it comes in the form of talking therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or simply spending more time outdoors untethered from their devices.

Our sexual and genital health

Speaking of taboos, we can’t consider ourselves healthy if we’re not talking about what’s between our legs. Even if you’ve been careful, a trip to the local sexual health clinic can bring peace of mind. After all, condoms break, and some conditions like chlamydia and herpes simplex can be dormant or symptomless for years. That said, we also need to be aware that painful, uncomfortable, itchy and embarrassing conditions can arise without sex. Even something as simple as changing your laundry detergent can result in thrush, just as overzealous washing can actually lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Our digestive health

It’s all well and good eating a cornucopia of healthy foods. But if you’re not paying attention to the health of your gut and your digestive system, you won’t get the optimum benefit from the food you eat. Furthermore, within the guy there’s a complex system of flora and bacteria that are so complex and so intrinsic to our mental and physical wellbeing that this little rainforest in our bellies is referred to as the “second brain”. 

Our auditory health

Finally, though we are predominantly visual creatures, that doesn’t mean that we can afford to neglect our ears. After all, they’re the key to communicating with the world around us. And while we may not think that we’re affected by hearing loss, it can take years or even decades for our hearing to deteriorate to the point where we admit we have a problem.An audiologist can not only check that your hearing is as good as it should be, they can also ensure that your ears and clean and free of risk of infection.
