If You Think You're Doing A Bad Job With Life, These Signs Will Prove You're Not

We all feel like bad people, from time to time, and even the smallest of mistakes can trick us into thinking we’re irredeemable and deserve nothing from life. 

However, it’s in these moments that you have the best opportunities to dispute and support yourself. You have the chance to take those overwhelming, negative feelings and turn them into something a little more neutral and a little more positive. 

So, to help you make sure that when the moods strike and you have no idea how you’re going to go on, keep the pointers below in mind. If someone else out there, who doesn’t even know you, has written them down for you to remember, then surely you can’t be making things up just to try and prove you’re better!

You’re Self Aware, and Looking for Opportunities

Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a place in life. Maybe you feel like you’ve got nothing going on. Maybe even your career has little to no value to you, simply because it’s not taking you anywhere, and you’re not sure how to take the next step. 

All of these elements together can make you feel a bit worthless in life, and like you’re doing a very bad job whilst all of your friends have clearly defined career paths around them. 

But if you know you want to make a difference in your life, and you sign up to all kinds of job sites and online course sites, you’re opening yourself up to new opportunities! And that’s great in the modern day and age - there are so many new careers out there, and taking your time to find the one you want is a great path to walk down. Don’t feel bad for being on it yourself. 

You Listen to/Prioritise Your Mental Health

Your mental health is one of the main things to be aware of and concerned about. A lot of things in our lives can make us feel like we’re tipping over the edge, and that we can no longer go on without a serious intervention or more support in our lives. And when times like those strike, being able to realise you need help, and being able to work up the courage to reach out, makes you a very responsible, sensible, and smart person. 

No matter where you are in the world, there’s going to be some kind of mental health treatment center nearby. Even just doing your research to find out how far you’d have to go to talk to someone is a big step, and one that’s worthy of taking, if you’re trying to prove to yourself that you’re on the right path right now. 

There are lots of signs in society that make you feel like you’re doing wrong in life. You think you should be doing more, or doing something that’s apparently worth more - but if you take time to work out what you want, you’ll see signs you’re doing just fine!

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