Fun, Educational Hobbies To Expand Your Mind

Hobbies are a great way to pass the time and break up an otherwise mundane work/ sleep cycle. But not all hobbies are productive- lying on the sofa watching Netflix while eating your bodyweight in chocolate for example isn’t going to expand your mind. If you want to do something fun while still being productive and learning something new in the process, here are a few ideas to consider!


Blogging is accessible to just about everyone, all you need is a computer and an internet connection. Both Blogger and Wordpress are free to sign up to, and you then have your own little space on the internet to chat about anything you want. The thing about blogging is it encourages you to use your brain, thinking up post ideas and writing out articles gets your mind working and your creative juices flowing. You will be researching things on the internet, you will be using programs like Photoshop or editing programs to improve your photos and create banners, you might even have a go at some coding when you’re editing your template. It’s fun yet productive, helps you to use your brain and can be written on any subject you want. If you’re after a hobby to expand your mind, blogging is as good as any!

Learning a New Language

If you’re after a real challenge, as well as something that will impress people and could even boost your job prospects- why not learn a new language? Maybe there’s a country in the world you admire and would love to be able to visit and be able to both speak and understand. Perhaps you want to perfect the ‘global language’ English since this is so widely spoken: something like AJ Hoge's Effortless English Club could help you to speak like a native. Just a few hours a day of learning and you could be speaking a new language fluently in less than a year. If you’re able to commit more time to it, you could effectively be speaking it within a couple of months.


If you like to keep active and have a love for nature, birdwatching could be a fantastic hobby to get into. You will discover all kinds of bird species, watch their movements, understand their behaviours and diet and so much more. These little creatures really are fascinating, learning more about them gives you an appreciation for the world as well as teaching you something new every time you go out.

Building Computers

Are you quite a techy person? Instead of sitting playing on computers, why not try building them? This is an enjoyable hobby that really gets your brain working and could even earn you a lot of money too. There are electronics kits you can get to start with while you build up a foundation level of knowledge, and then move onto more difficult pieces and full computers as you go. Definitely not just something for the men, it’s a practical and fulfilling hobby for women too- and incredibly satisfying when everything comes together, and you’re able to create a fully working piece.