Love Has Won: Gay Marriage now legalized in US

Love Has Won: Gay Marriage now legalized in US

The Supreme Court officially ruled that gay and lesbian marriage will be legal in all of the United States. This right is now confirmed and protected under the constitution. June 26th 2015 will forever be remembered as the historical day that all people gained the right to marry whomever they love, regardless of gender.

The Atlantic reports that the fourteenth amendment orders all states to legally recognize same sex marriage. During the process of the Supreme Court’s ruling, there were, of course, various opposing opinions presented. Common views include how children growing up surrounded by same sex couples will ultimately damage society. Some individuals simply do not like change and believe that this new law will “destroy” the meaning of marriage.

Out of the nine Supreme Court Justices, four voted for same sex marriage across the nation, whilst four did not. Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy served as the tiebreaker and ruled in favor for gay marriage rights.

According to the New York Times, Kennedy considers that gay marriage is a basic human right. The Atlantic reports a quote from Kennedy, “…it is demeaning to lock same-sex couples out of a central institution of the Nation’s society, for they too may aspire to the transcendent purposes of marriage.”

Before the settlement was made, same sex marriage was not legal in 13 states.  People are afraid of breaking tradition when it seems to be clearly necessary. The United States broke tradition when women were given the right to vote and when slavery was abolished. Breaking tradition is the only way society can grow and improve.

Previously, when this law was not established, gay marriage was being legalised in many states and acceptance for it was growing quickly. Although progression is rapid, this ruling does not mean that the fight for gay rights and equality is over. It is not about what is written in a document or what the government says as much as it being about the mentality of the people one is surrounded by. Although gay marriage is widely becoming accepted and no legal, it will still remain difficult for a child to come out to his or her parents or tell his or her friends.

The only way to change this truth is more time, acceptance, and being open about the situation. If parents and friends make it clear that they support gay marriage and believe that everyone has the freedom to marry whomever they desire, it will be easier for children to come out. That is when progress is made—not what a piece of paper says, but rather when individuals throughout communities take the initiative to change their mentalities and actively take a role in accepting those that would have been prejudiced or slandered before. Love will truly win then.