How Can CBD Help With Hormone Change Symptoms

Even before the legalization of medical cannabis, scientists have already researched about this amazing plant and its various benefits to health and wellness. Dating back centuries, people have been using cannabis to treat certain illnesses. Even though medical professionals advise patients against it due to laws around it, a non-psychoactive compound extracted from marijuana was approved for medical and therapeutic purposes last year — the Cannabidiol or CBD.

As Cannabidiol created impacts on multiple conditions such as acne, stress, discomfort, wrinkles, early aging, eczema and psoriasis, skin cancer, and the like, it’s incorporated in many beauty and wellness products today, even in things like CBD infused bar soap. It’s been proven to reduce inflammation and stop excessive release of cortisol that fuels stress and anxiety. However, the power of CBD doesn’t stop there. According to studies, CBD also encourages useful bodily functions in the gland network of the body, aka the endocrine system. How can CBD help with hormonal changes and imbalances in the body? Read below or find some other great resources like to determine which CBD product is right for you.

Minimization of Menopausal Symptoms

A special system in the human body called the endocannabinoid system, composed of cannabinoid receptors, is exclusively designed to interact with different cannabinoids such as CBD. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for many bodily processes such as memory, relaxation, mood regulation, along with fertility and reproduction. Once this system decreases its performance and health, it could lead to detrimental effects on the body.

As women age, there’s been an observed decrease of estrogen production in the body which causes lower anandamide which is also a cannabinoid in the endocannabinoid system. Menopause is an inevitable condition for women. Fortunately, CBD for menopause can highly contribute to better functioning and reduction of its impending symptoms.

Menopause can cause severe symptoms in women, making it very challenging for them to move and function with ease. Some of the most common menopausal symptoms women experience include vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sleep problems, and mood changes. When left unaddressed, these symptoms can eventually take a toll on a woman’s health. 

Better Look and Feel For The Skin

The skin is an important organ because it protects every women’s organs. The skin acts as a barrier that can keep everything inside the human body strong and healthy. However, as women age, their skin health starts to deteriorate. Their skin will start to crack, making them susceptible to germs and bacteria. Fortunately, taking 1000mg organic CBD tincture may help women treat their age-related skin problems.

Another fact that most people aren’t aware of is the effects of hormones in the glow and texture of the skin. Like the effect of CBD in menopausal symptoms, the skin is also affected with the hormone called estrogen. Estrogen, mostly known for its sexual and reproductive purposes, plays a significant role in different organs of the body.

The firmness, plumpness, elasticity, and moisture experienced by the skin is affected by the amount of estrogen and hyaluronic acid, a naturally present substance, found in the skin cells. CBD is known to boost the production of hyaluronic acid to promote collagen synthesis leading to less wrinkles, slower aging, along with glowing, smooth skin that CBD takers have. Particularly, the intake of CBD is required more during the summer season where dry and flaky skin can happen.

Moreover, CBD can help women who experience acne breakout during their menopause. This is because CBD has the ability to regulate the oil production of the human body. Regular levels of oil will prevent dust and dirt from seeping into the pores, improving the skin’s moisture.

Stabilization of Insulin Production

Insulin imbalance is known to be related to medical illnesses like diabetes. This hormone produced by the pancreas is more important than you might think. It’s also related to various conditions such as obesity, circulatory diseases, glucose intolerance, metabolic syndrome, and genetic conditions when not properly stabilized.

It’s crucial for women who experience menopause to ensure that their bodies still receive normal or regular levels of insulin. As mentioned, women’s bodies will start to weaken once they hit menopause. Without enough levels of insulin in their bodies, they will be more susceptible to common illnesses and diseases.

Roles of insulin also include metabolic functions and nutrient absorption. Regular levels of insulin in the body will make it easy for women to turn calories into energy, allowing women to stay healthy. If the amount of insulin suddenly fluctuates, it can cause damage to organs in the body.

CBD has been proven to prevent the decreasing production of insulin and reduce chronic inflammation in the pancreas, putting a stop to diabetes. This works because CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the body’s insulin resistance and moderate blood sugar. CBD can also increase the body’s natural production of insulin to ensure that it reaches normal or regular levels. 

Additional Production of Sleep Hormones

Most people currently experience difficulty in sleeping. Insufficient sleep could lead to unfortunate consequences like trouble with focusing. Sleep deprivation can also weaken the immune system, increase high blood pressure, and adversely affect a person’s sex drive. People who often lose sleep are also at risk for diabetes, stroke, and heart diseases. Aside from the cortisols that affect relaxation and comfort, the sleeping trouble can also be connected to the hormone called melatonin. Insomnia and sleeping difficulties are due to the low production of melatonin which regulates the sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythm of the body.

Like the CBD’s ability to help stress and anxiety, it can also help in the generation of more melatonin. This biochemical reaction happens when the receptors in the pineal gland, where melatonin is released, is highly stimulated and restored. Because of this, people experiencing sleeping difficulties can worry less, this can also be enhanced if you have chosen the Best Mattress Australia, that fits your needs - such as thickness and material. 

Postpartum Help

Women after giving birth might be able to have relief from postpartum symptoms with the help from Cannabidiols. As most mothers undergo postpartum depression (PPD), CBD could help in improving a mother’s mood, sleep cycle, and help to regulate anxiety. CBD has been proven to help the increase of cortisol and melatonin production in the body and it can help mothers who suffer worse from stress and anxiety conditions than the general public does.

However, there’s little research provided for the outcome of CBD intake to the breast milk of mothers that can be passed onto the child. There’s been speculation that it could affect the mental and physical growth of the child, yet still not enough information is presented on this issue. If you’re confused about taking CBD as a breastfeeding mother, you should seek professional attention from your doctor or especially, a medical expert focused in the study of cannabinoids.


Despite the hesitation from people about using Cannabidiol, studies have confirmed the surprising health benefits that it could provide to the world. CBD has dominated the beauty products industry and, hopefully, more studies will confirm additional or countless benefits that people can reap from it. Do you think you’ll try CBD?
