Old Wives' Tales That Really Do Keep You Fit And Healthy!

There are many old wives’ tales that are absolutely sworn by, like putting a spoon in the bottle of champagne to keep it bubbly. - But do they really work? And more importantly, which ones keep us young and healthy?!

Here are just a few that have been trialled, tested, and proven. (You're welcome.)



Anyone that suffers from eczema will know that it's a frustrating condition that can at times be rather embarrassing. It may restrict you from wearing certain clothes because you don't want any affected areas of skin to be visible. Oatmeal has actually been proven to soothe rashes and breakouts because of the phytochemicals, which have many properties, one being an anti-inflammatory. All you need to do is grind down the oatmeal into a fine powder, and then mix it with warm water until it turns into a paste, then you can apply it directly onto the skin and leave it on for around ten minutes before washing it off. This will not only help improve your skin over time, but it will supply you with instant relief.


Black cumin seeds

Black cumin seeds, also known as Nigella Seeds, carry many different health benefits. One of the reasons is the fact that they are packed full of antioxidants which do wonders for the skin. But that's only one of the many properties this ingredient contains. They are able to boost the immune system with various nutrients and vitamins which will prevent you from catching colds and cases of flu that are lurking around the corner. They can also help with sore throats, vomiting, and have even been known to fight tumours! Sites like Keter Wellness have plenty of products available to buy, as well as more interesting information to read about.



Ginger has been said to be great for all things stomach related, whether that be menstrual cramps, or even vomiting. Women who were suffering once a month with bad cramps, or pregnant women that were going through the dreaded morning sickness would often be told to buy some ginger and make it into a tea. It is said by experts that ginger is just as effective as ibuprofen. This is because it improves the flow of blood and reduces any swelling in the muscles that reside in the uterus, which is where period cramps originate from. The way it helps with sickness is by producing different digestive juices and enzymes that calm down that nasty stomach acid. Ginger also contains phenols, and these relax the muscles in your stomach, almost like a sedative, and because of this, it stops the urge to gag.



Tumeric in India is referred to as being the ‘holy powder’. This is because it's properties help to battle off infections. One compound in particular is called curcumin, and this stops any bacteria from multiplying, which is why it's also great for any superficial wounds you may have. Just mix a little turmeric with water to make a paste-like substance and then dab it onto the cut. If the traumered area is bleeding, then no need to add water, just apply the powder directly onto it and then cover it with a dressing.
