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Why You Should Plan An Outdoor Adventure

An outdoor adventure could be just what is missing from your life. From climbing a mountain to going on a long cycle trip, there are many different forms of outdoor adventure that you can try. Below are just some of the benefits to planning an outdoor adventure. 

Reconnect with nature

An outdoor adventure can be a chance to escape from the digital world and reconnect with the natural world. Many of us spend so much time in front of a screen each day. This can have negative physical and mental health side effects. By planning an outdoor adventure, we can force ourselves to take a break from screens and remind ourselves of what’s real and organic. 

Set an exercise goal

Outdoor adventures can make great exercise goals. If you’ve been going to the gym, but have been having trouble motivating yourself, consider scheduling an outdoor challenge such as a long multi-day hike or a mountain climb. It will give you something to work towards so that you’re more inspired to get fit. Just make sure that you don’t book an outdoor adventure that’s too challenging too soon - do your research online before taking on big challenges to work out what type of training is recommended. 

Give your mental health a boost

If you’ve not been feeling yourself recently, an outdoor adventure could be great for your mental health. Both exercise and sun exposure are great ways to give the body a serotonin boost. The fresh air can meanwhile help us to think more clearly by providing our brains with a flood of oxygen. On top of this, the accomplishment of completing an outdoor adventure could be great for your self esteem. There are forms of wilderness therapy that can focus on improving mental health and behavior - check out these Second Nature Utah reviews for an example. Alternatively, you may prefer to set your own outdoor challenge. 

Build strong friendships

An outdoor adventure with friends or family members could be a great way to bond. You can spur each other on and solve problems together, helping you to both become closer. Some outdoor adventures could even be a chance to make new friends. You could join a group trek as a solo adventurer and meet exciting new people. Without the distractions of technology, you can get to know people more easily. 

Explore new places

Finally, outdoor adventures can be a chance to travel and see new exciting places. There are some viewpoints and attractions in the world that are only accessible by foot as this World Walks guide details - these could be a great goal for an outdoor adventure. Of course, you don’t have to travel afar to enjoy an outdoor adventure. Local footpaths and cycle routes could be an opportunity to get to know your local area better. Wherever you choose to have your adventure, make sure that it is somewhere unfamiliar, as this will add to the excitement.