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Finding the Sunshine

After a year of our world being inundated with COVID-19 regulations and restrictions for our health and wellness, it is clear that there is an aura of darkness clouding our lives that might seem inescapable sometimes.

I know I feel it—I’ve seen it on Twitter threads, on Instagram stories, and elsewhere—living in the middle of a pandemic is absolutely dreadful. It is not ideal, nor conducive of productivity at times. It can feel utterly draining to be alive right now.

Although the clouds of Covid-19 persist as cases rise, the sunshine is always peaking through. This is true for any dark issue or moments of gray: the sun can be found poking out from behind those massive clouds.

There is so much to be thankful for, even when it seems hard to believe. Think about how lucky you are to still be alive right now, breathing and entering each new day and living. That’s a light like no other, although we can easily take that for granted sometimes.

I believe that there is always something to smile about, even when most of our surroundings can lead to our feeling down. Our place in the world is important. You are loved by those around you and even if you feel alone, especially during this pandemic, you are never fully alone. The connectivity of social media, video communication, and cellular technology is able to bring us all closer together even when we physically cannot be at this time.

Take a moment today and reflect on how far you have come in your goals and in your life: mindful moments of gratitude are wonderful to bask in the light when it might appear hidden by life’s clouds. I enjoy writing down positive notes and jotting down moments that have touched me in some way, whether big or small. I think it helps.

Erin Pavlina’s blog post “How To Find the Light When You’re Drowning in the Dark” emphasizes ways to bring light into your situation when it is hard to find. In one section, she discusses a simple way to find the light: just breathe.

“When all else fails, breathe.  What’s the first thing we do when we arrive in this world?  We take a breath.  When you literally feel like your world is falling apart then it’s time to go back to the beginning.  Just breathe” (Pavlina).

Taking the time to pause and breathe in a mindful way can connect us better to ourselves and our place in the universe. We are all beautifully made. Breathing is natural and warm - perhaps that’s the purest kind of light we could look for.

Another technique Pavlina suggests is to find the humor in your situation along with finding amusement through entertainment. I personally love to laugh, as I am sure most everyone does. Sometimes when I am pent up or feeling stressed, a laugh is all I need to redirect my thoughts and bring me back to myself in a sense. The release of serotonin stabilizes our mood and overall sense of happiness (Hormone Health Network).

Life can be challenging. Even when life is piling up and you believe you are drowning in the darkness, there is always room for light. Let it in and enjoy the sunshine around you.

Kayla Ivan is a Junior at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island studying Creative Writing with minors in Psychology and Professional & Public Writing. Kayla loves writing, music, God, and her family & friends!

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