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The Best Ways to Look After Your Wellbeing

There's never a bad time to start looking after your wellbeing, and if you're thinking about it, that probably means it's a good time to start taking some notice. Working and living in the world causes us lots of stress and disharmony, and much of the time, we may not notice this is happening. It's only when we relax into a bath or meditation, or take some time to ourselves that we realize what we've been missing. Below are some of the best ways to manage and harmonize your wellbeing. 


Despite what many people believe, meditation is actually fairly easy and offers a wealth of benefits. Everything from better attention to a more organized lifestyle. With a regular meditation practice, you will get your general anxiety under control and watch your mental stress melt away. Find a position you find comfortable; it can be seated or lying down. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Count ten seconds in and ten seconds out; when you notice your mind wandering, bring your attention back to the breath.  


Self-Care can take many forms. It can be something you love to do, like buy hookah online, a walk-in nature, a bath, or simply some 'me-time' with a mug of tea and a favorite book. It's so important to schedule some self-Care into your week; this is a time when you can reflect and re-energize. Without it, you might become rundown and unwell. After all, if you don't look after your wellbeing, your body will let you know about it. 


The more we know and understand about ourselves, the more fulfilling life becomes. Human beings have known this for thousands of years, but we are only now catching up in our modern world. There are many ways to discover or rediscover who you are. Journaling and creativity are excellent avenues for this. If you write about yourself over a period of time, you will notice patterns continually emerge. This is valuable self-knowledge you can use to improve your life. 

Digital Downtime 

Technology has done some wonderful things for us, but it doesn't come without consequences. Smartphones and the Internet are designed to grab our attention and keep it – they are very good at doing this, so it's no surprise that we are so attached to it. Just as you schedule 'me-time,' into the week, make sure you also have digital downtime. This can even be a daily thing, such as no smartphone or Internet in the morning. 


It's well known that exercise is an excellent way to improve your body and mind's health. Raising your heart rate on a regular basis stimulates all the systems in your body and releases endorphins that make you feel good. It is also excellent for your mental health; it trains your mind to concentrate on the moment and improves concentration and memory – key factors in overall intelligence; if you feel stuck in a rut and want to improve your wellbeing, put on your sneakers and take a short walk or run.