I Learned How to Code In 4 Weeks…Here’s What Happened!

I didn’t know how to code before. I was afraid of technology and believed that I was too ‘dumb’. Growing up in the Silicon Valley, it felt like almost all my classmates had some exposure to programming. Everyone…but me.

This summer I decided to challenge myself: Learn how to be proficient in at least 5 programming languages.

After lots of frustration and hours on the computer, I had finally accomplished it. I learned: Python, Arduino C, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

During those 4 weeks, not only did I learn multiple programming languages, I knew more about who I was as a person. There were multiple moments during those grueling weeks that I thought about quitting. I, in general, am a slow learner and it takes me a long time to understand concepts than most people. By the time I finally got the hang of one language, it was time for me to move on to the next, with all the syntax completely different. What also made it more frustrating was the fact that my younger brother had picked up the programming language in an hour, while I had to struggle for at least 10!

All in all, I feel very accomplished and all those tears and hard work were worth it for the feeling of satisfaction at the end.

Through this experience, I have learned that literally, ANYONE can code. You don’t need to be good at math, type really fast, or be any certain age to be good at it. I have also realized that there is a place for me in the technology field. With hard work and the motivation to keep learning new languages, I hope that I can one day be an asset to the workplace.

I challenge all of you to pick up a new skill as well. Trust me…it will be worth your while!