How Summer Can Trigger Body Issues For Women

Summer can be a trigger for those women who deal with eating disorders and have been struggling with body image issues. How does one deal with the stress of body image during the summer? In general, many women have dealt with the issue of having a “perfect bikini body” during the summer months which can increasingly disrupt regular routines leading to a rise in unhealthy habits. People of all ages can relate to these struggle factors. However, there are healthy and different ways in which people can enjoy the summer season without being overwhelmed by the negative factors of body image issues.

Women, in general, tend to point out the flaws in their own appearances and constantly compare themselves with others. During the summer months, the “bikini and shorts weather” can have a negative effect and bring out the downside risk associated with body image issues. Along with the negative effects of being pressured into eating a certain amount of food in front of family and friends, it can also lead to a huge amount of stress and overwhelming anxiety. And if not guided by an adult or a professional, then it can become a trigger and start a cycle of unwanted relapse of common eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating. If one has recognized the risk of being in the cycle of an eating disorder, then one should seek professional help. Apart from this one must also continue to stick to the regular plan of making delicious and healthy meals, creating daily workouts, and should have regular sleeping routines.

Finally, in today’s culture, women want to have the “perfect summer body”, and they look up things on the internet such as “How to lose weight in xx amount of days during the summer” to achieve their results in a short period of time. They try losing some body weight by aiming to fit into a certain size or figure, influenced by what they see on social media. Just by looking through different social media platforms like Instagram, for example, women tend to model and post bikini pictures for the summer; However, it won’t help anyone practice the art of self-acceptance or even boost one's self-esteem for that matter. While posting pictures, users tend to fix “flaws” that one can easily hide through filters and some modifications, which makes them more “perfect” than they are in actual reality. However, one should look away, and accept the fact that each individual is perfect in their own body shape and that every young woman should embrace her own beauty.