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Interview With Noor Unnahar: The Pakistani Creative Mastermind of “Noor’s Place”

Meet Noor Unnahar - she’s a nineteen year old Pakistani blogger and social media sensation from Karachi, Pakistan. She is the creative and talented mastermind behind her original blog, Noor’s Place. She began her blog in 2012 and has attracted the attention of thousands of fans and followers across the globe ever since. Noor is a Youtuber, blogger, and a “blogger who also designs blogs.” Noor’s creativity is not limited to one area, and you’ll find Noor creating Youtube videos, working on art journals, photographing outfit of the days, writing poetry, and designing blogs!

Noor began exploring the Internet in the sixth grade. At home, she would have one hour of free time to browse and roam the Internet. Noor wanted to make proper use of this valuable time and so she began to explore blog platforms such as Blogspot and reading other bloggers’ work. She began blogging her life as a teenager and posted her daily shenanigans to share with her readers. Two years later, Noor delved into the Instagram-world and started to focus in on her photography and poetry. Her innocent blog as a sixth grader blossomed into a rich portfolio and lively blog where she attracts thousands of readers and has over 21k followers on Instagram.

The header of Noor’s blog reads “Design + Creativity Twisted in Pakistani Lifestyle.” This is exactly what makes Noor’s content unique - the incorporation of her Pakistani culture and identity. Noor always makes sure that her posts and content “scream that she is from Pakistan” because it is a trait Noor takes pride in. She wants to flaunt her Pakistani-Muslim identity and show the true colors of Pakistan which are often distorted by the media.  Even though Noor is a Pakistani-based creator, she reaches individuals all over the world. The top three countries her fans are from are the United States, the United Kingdom, and Pakistan. Noor’s goal is to use her influence to portray Pakistan the way she sees it - a  place bustling with life and creativity.

All of the content that Noor posts has meaning and depth behind it, whether it’s her original poetry or the motive behind her posts. Noor’s posts are never rushed and she only posts when it reaches the highest quality. For a typical post, Noor develops the story first, writes poetry that correlates to the theme, then plans a photoshoot. All three aspects correlate with one another and are based off a similar theme or concept. Take a look at Noor’s favorite post here titled The Brown Skinned Girls, which addresses the battle that dark-skinned South Asian women often deal with.

Noor is currently on a gap year where she has been focusing on creating content. She has several plans and grand visions for the future; she hopes to build her Youtube channel and dedicate more time to filming videos and editing as well as focus on her poetry. Noor is currently working on publishing a poetry book that will launch this fall - so definitely keep an eye out! Noor’s advice to young women like herself who want to share their creativity online is to simply start. Often times, the most difficult part is taking the first step, once that first step is taken it will be a lot more enjoyable and easier to move forward. Noor also emphasizes to not forget where you originate from - embrace your roots to create unique and engaging content. This is the key to success - exploring and embracing one’s roots.

To stay updated with all of Noor’s creations, check out her blog, Youtube channel, and Instagram!