Who is Lila Rose?

Lila Rose is an American pro-life activist and the founder and president of Live Action—a human rights organization that dedicates ways to inspire a culture that respects life, especially the preborn. It is a youth-led organization that uses new media to educate and mobilize both local and national audiences to demand accountability from the abortion industry and human rights for the preborn.

Lila learned about abortions at an early age. At 9 years old, Lila Rose saw an image of an aborted baby in a book at her home. She said it struck her to the heart, and she asked, “How could anybody do this to a baby?” Over the years, she learned more about the abortion issue and decided that she wanted to do something about this issue and speak out to help save some of the lives that were being taken. At the young age of 15, Lila started her organization, Live Action. She started by giving presentations to schools and youth groups. She continues to lead the organization today.

Live Action works on many ways to spread awareness about protecting the preborn. They publish news reports daily on Live Actions News about important pro life events and issues. They also investigate the lies and abuses of abortion clinics including Planned Parenthood. Since 2007, they’ve uncovered the abortion industry providing sex-selective abortions of preborn girls, covering up the sexual abuse of minors and sex-trafficking, accepting racially-motivated donations, disseminating medical misinformation, and participating in infanticide and other wrongs towards women and children.

Lila envisions to live in a world where women are encouraged to choose other options other than abortion when it comes to a difficult situation. She believes that preborn is a human and every human should be respected. She has shown an incredible involvement in the protection of human rights at such an early age.  Currently 28 years old, she continues to fight for the rights of the unborn.

To learn more, visit: liveaction.org