Travel Tips: Cool Hacks To Use When You're Sleeping Outdoors

Traveling is amazing for you, and it takes many forms. One of the most popular forms of traveling is camping. You travel somewhere and camp outside with friends, family, or on your own. It's a wonderful way of experiencing the world and doing something different to your usual holidays.

However, camping also throws up a few issues, most of all; how do you sleep outdoors? Sleep can be hard to come by for campers, but, here are some hacks to make it easier for you:


Use Earplugs

For me, and a lot of other people, sleeping outdoors is difficult thanks to all the noise. If you’re in a campsite, then you’ll hear plenty of chatter from other campers. If you’re alone in a forest or elsewhere, then the noise of the world can be very loud too. It’s strange how loud nature can be when you’re in a tent and have nothing to block it out. As such, getting to sleep can be a struggle. But, this is easily rectified with some earbuds. Buy good-quality ear plugs that cancel out any sound and make it easy to get a good night's sleep. It’s better to use earbuds over headphones as they work better and you don’t waste your phone battery by playing music all night long.


Get A Hammock

Hammocks are the most simple sleeping device on the planet. They’re just a sheet of fabric tied between two fixtures, but they can be incredible for anyone that’s sleeping outdoors. We all know that one of the biggest issues with outdoor sleeping is finding the good ground. The floor can be too hard, too wet, too muddy, etc. If you’ve got a hammock, then you have an elevated sleeping position to solve this problem. They come in all shapes and sizes, and you can easily find one with its own posts to allow it to be erected inside a large tent. Of course, everyone knows hammocks 101 is to buy one that can easily be folded and fit inside a camping bag. Otherwise, you’ll just be carrying a large hammock around on your travels, and it will be hard to handle.


Bring A Travel Pillow

Another main problem with sleeping outdoors is that you rarely have good head and neck support. Any camper will tell you that the first few times they slept in a tent they woke up with a very stiff neck. You never truly appreciate your pillow until it's gone, that’s a fact! And, you don’t realize how difficult it is to get a good night's sleep without a pillow until you try it. Unfortunately, pillows can be quite difficult to carry around and travel with. However, there is a simple solution to this annoying problem; buy a travel pillow. You can get small pillows that fit in your suitcase or bag and can provide the comfort they need. Some can even be clipped onto bags too, freeing up space for other essentials. Even if you’re sleeping in a hammock, you need a pillow to support your head and neck and keep you comfortable.


With these hacks under your belt, you’ll be sleeping like a baby no matter where you are!