Looking for a New Hobby or Skill? We Got You.

Getting the perfect hobby for you might take some time, some people don’t have a hobby at all. It can often feel like there isn’t anything out there for you or maybe too difficult to start one. Doing things that aren’t housework, or work-work can freshen your week up and improve job performance.

Astronomy. If you often find yourself peering into the night sky and considering how small we are in the grand scale of things, then this one might be for you. To start this is going to cost you nothing but time and curiosity. Head to Google, get yourself some star charts and look up. Also, investing into a high quality Telescope is a great piece of equipment to have, as you'll be able to pick up on things in the sky that the naked eye is unable to see. Observational astronomy can be very therapeutic and exciting! Looking online for the best places to view the night sky near you can be a great late night adventure. Places like this can be great for viewing large events, like the next upcoming solar eclipse, this can be a social event for you and other enthusiasts. Getting together wearing a solar eclipse shirt to commemorate the occasion with some snacks and comfy chairs can be a fantastic once in a lifetime experience.

Musical Instrument. Many of us talk about the musical genius we could have been if only our parents had put us in lessons. However, that is no longer an excuse. Head to midwoodguitarstudio.com, pick yourself an instrument and learn the riffs to all your favourite songs. The instrument is not free, but learning can be. YouTube can provide you with hours of quality tutelage.

Cooking. Get really, really good at a couple of dishes. You were going to be buying groceries anyway so why not do something a little bit fancy with them? Think back to the last restaurant you went to (that wasn’t fast food), what did you have? Use those past meals as a template for future meals to be learned.

Writing. This one costs a pencil and a notebook. If you are struggling with ‘what’ to write, you might be thinking a little bit hard about it. Try something called freewriting. You put pen to paper and just see what comes out, you might end up writing something magnificent. Or not. But it is therapeutic, and if you love it, you can earn money from it.

Photography. The chances are you already have a mobile phone, and even if the camera leaves much to be desired, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be having a go. Mobilography is the art of making the most of your mobile camera. You can start in your garden, or with flat lays – the only limit is your imagination when it comes to photography, if you can find it, you can frame it.

Drawing. You’ve got no artistic talent? Well, anyone can learn. You can pick up some step-by-step books, or use the internet to help – it is relaxing and again another one that works on what you can dream up.

While most of these don’t have much cost involved you might consider going to classes, or seminars about the hobby you choose. There is a big wide world of exciting and creative people out there – and they all started somewhere too.
