Navigating The Need To Grow Up

Even when you’re an adult already, the idea of becoming more of an adult is always something at the back of our minds. Growing up is something we all have to go through in our lives, but it doesn’t stop us from having that inner child or inexperienced teenager we need to feed from time to time. If you’re still feeling the heavy presence of needing to escape, here’s a little food for thought for you to ponder over. Being an adult doesn't always have to be hard after all.

Overall, your screens are graced with multiple TV programs or movies that include so many moral messages you’re meant to take to heart when you’re maturing; it can get very confusing. So much media out there has conflicting messages, and you’re allowed to enjoy more than one genre at once.

But what does that versatility mean?

We find ourselves heading to the cinema to see the biggest names of the year, which tell us to look to the future whilst learning lessons from the past. And then in your down time you’re consuming anime like FLCL, which shows us there’s a lot of mess to wade through in all walks of our lives by being rather literal with their metaphors. Overall, you’re having to take into account multiple facets of life at once, and often you don’t even realise it.

Maybe you were a 90s child, and thus living in an era in which kids truly came into their own. There was so many styles out there, a lot of which were questionable, and some of the best media we’ve ever seen in our lives was created here. We can still remember having to get off of the internet when our parents needed to make a phone call, and we can fully visualize the transition from VHS to DVD. And because of all that, we can get very nostalgic from time to time in a world dominated by technology and the extreme phobia of ‘idleness.’

And ultimately, that’s what you want to hold onto

In combating this kind of nostalgia, it’s important to remember that you can still live out those kinds of days in the here and now. Even with all the responsibilities on your plate, having some fun alongside it isn’t impossible! Go outside with the sunset for picnics and barbecues, call your mother on the telephone to have a real chat with her, or even just invite your friends round for a Disney night. It takes a little more effort, but what you used to love isn’t lost forever.

There’s honestly no need to grow up too fast. Even if you feel you have, or that your need to work, pay rent, feed yourself every day, and still keep in contact with everyone you love makes you feel like you do! Take some time to indulge in the past in any way you want to; life is all about living and the world is completely your oyster.
