Warning Signs That You Are In An Abusive Relationship

It might be shocking, but most people who are being abused in a relationship aren’t aware of it. This might be because gender standards have taught them that when a woman hits a man, it’s not abuse. Or, it could be because that they associate abuse with a physical attack when it could be mental. Often people outside the relationship notice something is wrong, but the individual has no idea. They think they are in a normal relationship. Here are some of the signs that point to an abusive relationship.

Physical Acts Of Aggression

No matter what your gender, you should never be expected to simply stand there while someone hits or slaps you. This commonly occurs when men are the victims of the abuse. They often think that because it’s a woman hitting them, it’s not abuse. That it should be ignored or forgiven and this is not the case.

Controlling Behaviour

Abuse isn’t always a physical attack. Controlling behavior is a form of relationship abuse. It can be even more damaging because abusers can manipulate their victim. They feel trapped in the relationship, unable to take positive steps and break free.

Demeaning Actions

Demeaning a victim is a tactic that many abusers use to keep victims under their control. They make sure that they feel worthless. Eventually, the victim believes they deserve what has happened to them. Verbal attacks and insults are a sign of this type of behavior.

You can see from the infographic below relationship abuse is an issue that should not be ignored.

Infographic Designed By Elliot Heidelberg Law Office