4 Quick Ways To Improve Your Relationships

Having great relationships means effort and compromise on both sides. You can’t expect the other person to reach out to you all the time, and you certainly can’t expect to treat somebody with disrespect and expect them to put up with you. Being a good friend/family member/ and even person in general means becoming more self aware and accepting. Below, you’ll find a few quick ways to do this and improve your relationships. 

1. Really Listen

Listening means taking in what another person is saying and responding to what they are really telling you. Don’t just wait for a moment to jump in with a story of your own like most people do. They will feel like you’re not listening at all. 

2. Don’t Judge

Don’t respond with judgemental statements when somebody tells you something. You might not even realize you’re doing it. Even saying something like ‘why would you do that?’ comes across as judgemental because it’s passive aggressive. The key is to become more accepting. 

3. Find Out Their Love Language

Everybody has a different love language, so find out the love language of the people you spend the most time around and your relationships with them will improve. This is mostly used in terms of partners and children, but you could use it to improve your relationship with anybody. 

4. Make Sure You’re Compatible

Make sure you’re not trying to force something that isn't there. You’re allowed to let people go, even friends, if you’ve outgrown them. You should be compatible in terms of views, values, and anything that matters to you. It might even be written in the stars - as demonstrated below!

credit to Ask Astrology