Poem: "The stars can never be looked at again"

Don't idolize the stars

sometimes they forget to shine

lost in the depths of the sky.


Don’t weep for the stars

sometimes they lose themselves

trying to be everyone's light.


Don’t fight for the stars

sometimes they are guilty

of falling on their own.


Don’t chase for the stars

sometimes the further you are

the better the view is.


Don’t let the stars illuminate the dark

they are just as subject

to destruction

as all of us.


Stars don’t hold the answers,

they are not above the tragedies

that may occur,

don’t expect for the stars

to be present every night,

sometimes they need a break

from accompanying the sky.


The stars are relentless

they’ll be visible

to only a few,

don’t let them fool you

it’s not always the truth

you can enjoy the dark without,


and don’t hold the stars

in your heart for too long

even the brightest of lights

fall dim throughout time.